Divide litres by 4.54 = gallons
Times gallons by 4.54 = litres
220 gallons is equivalent to 1 ton
1oz = 28.350g
1g = 0.035oz
1lb = 0.454kg
1kg = 2.205lbs
1in = 2.540cm
1ft = 0.305m
3.281ft = 1m
Multiply the length by the width, then multiply that figure by the depth (in feet) then multiply that figure by 6.25 to arrive at the gallons needed
Multiply half the diameter by half the diameter,
Multiply the answer by the depth of your pool and then multiply that figure by 3.142
That figure is the cubic capacity in feet.
You now multiply that figure by 6.25 for the total gallons in the pool.
Add twice the depth to both the length and the width then add 1ft on both answers
for example: 10ft long by 6ft wide by 2ft deep pool liner would be 15ft by 11ft
Salt in the pool - ½ ounce per gallon
Salt bath - 3kg per 100 litres for 10 mins max
Zeolite - 2kg per 300 gallons
Recharge in salt for 24 hours every 6 weeks
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