Posted by CD Aquatics on Jan 26 2018
Correct aquarium maintenance is essential to successful fish keeping. Don't worry, though, we have everything you need right here to get you feeling confident in your general aquarium maintenance in no time! We have everything you'll need for your aquarium maintenance, from filters and food to heaters and sterilisers and much, much more! There's no excuse for poor aquarium maintenance after you've read our information guide and looked through our product range!
At CD Aquatics, we don't like to leave you in the dark, and so we aim to inform and guide our customers when it comes to aquarium maintenance and much more. Just browse through our information guides and our products to find out for yourself!
Your fish will need feeding daily with foods such as King British Fish Foods, Aquarian Fish Foods or Hikari Fish Foods, all of which are excellent fish foods. Follow the instructions on your packet of fish food. Any uneaten food must be removed immediately with a fish net after the feed. If possible, it is also a good idea to watch your fish as they feed, as getting to know your fish allows you to detect and treat any signs of unusual behaviour at an early stage.
It is recommended (certainly in the first few months of setting up your tank, or adding new fish) for maintenance purposes that you check your aquarium water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH every week (or at any time, if your fish look or behave differently) using a water test kit.
Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are the biggest cause of fish deaths in new tank set-ups. This is known as “New Tank Syndrome.” The ammonia and nitrite should both be below 0.5 mg/L. The pH should be between 6.5 – 8.5. Using King British Filter Aid you can maintain these levels.
As a general rule in aquarium maintenance, approximately 25% of the water should be changed every 1 – 2 weeks. Make sure that the replacement water is the same temperature as the aquarium water and that it has been conditioned using a de-chlorinator, such as Safe Guard or Fresh Start.
It is important to use a clean bucket that is only used for this purpose. The filter should be checked when you carry out a water change to ensure that it is functioning correctly. Check that the filter media is clean or whether it needs to be replaced, but it is better to replace the different media alternatively to avoid losing the good bacteria in one go.
Regular feeding of plants provides essential nourishment for stimulating and maintaining healthy growth. We recommend feeding with plant foods such as Flora Boost Plant Food on a fortnightly basis. You should take out any leaves that lie in the bottom of the aquarium, as they may decay and pollute the water. Periodically, as part of your aquarium maintenance, you may also need to remove any debris from the bottom of the tank using Aquarium Gravel Cleaner. Remember to top up any water lost, and use some de-chlorinator.
Occasionally with aquarium maintenance, you may experience a problem with excessive algae in the aquarium. Algae that grows on the sides of the aquarium and ornaments can be removed by simply wiping it away with a clean cloth and an Algae Magnet. Free floating algae cells, however, are not so simple to remove. We stock various types of algae treatments as well as Hair algae control. Algae treatments typically work by causing the algae cells to clump together, which then sinks to the bottom of the aquarium. These can then be easily removed using your gravel cleaner or siphon set.
If your bear these things in mind when maintaining your aquarium, then you will be well on your way to being a pro fish-keeper. There is many more things that you can do to ensure the safety of your fish and the maintenance of your aquarium, but all you need to do is visit our aquarium products page for more information. Good luck!
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