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How to Care for a Goldfish

Posted by on Sep 13 2022

When it comes to caring for your first goldfish, there are a few things to keep in mind. Whilst goldfish have long been the staple of fairground attractions and goldfish bowls have been the favourite for first pets for generations, it takes more to care for them than many people think. We’ve pulled together a complete guide to how to care for goldfish, whether you are caring for goldfish in a bowl or in a fish tank.

What Makes Taking Care of Goldfish Different?

If you have cared for fish before, you may wonder what the difference is in caring for goldfish. One of the main differences between caring for goldfish and caring for other types of fish such as tropical fish is water temperature and food. In order to stay happy and healthy, goldfish require the right water conditions for them, with some breeds of goldfish requiring slightly different things to keep them healthy. Due to their history of being handed out as prizes at fairgrounds, many people think they are really easy to care for. However, because of this misconception, many goldfish never live out their average lifespan of 10 to 15 years with some breeds having the ability to live up to 30 years. There are some important things to put in place to ensure your goldfish lives a full life.

What Do Goldfish Eat?

Taking the time to feed your goldfish the right food is a key part of how to take care of goldfish. Feeding your goldfish the right amount of the right food keeps your fish healthy and prevents your goldfish tank from clogging up with uneaten food.


Some of the most common foods for goldfish include goldfish pellets, flakes and freeze dried goldfish food. If you are caring for Oranda goldfish or caring for Ranchu goldfish, you can find special food for this type of goldfish that helps improve head growth and colouring. Feeding your goldfish pellets can help regulate the amount of food that is left in your tank as they are easy to fish out however goldfish appreciate a varied diet, just like humans. You should aim to feed your adult goldfish around once a day whilst younger goldfish can be fed up to three times a day with very small amounts at a time.


Overfeeding your goldfish can be very bad for them and letting uneaten food build up in your fish tank can clog up your filter. Goldfish can go a surprisingly long time without food so it is very unlikely you will underfeed them if you exercise caution. The temperature of your goldfish tank will also affect the amount of food your goldfish needs to eat as living at a lower temperature will slow down your goldfish’s metabolism.


How to Care for Goldfish in a Tank

Caring for goldfish in a tank generally includes a lot of the same rules as caring for any other type of fish in a tank. When buying your goldfish and goldfish tank, make sure that you account for how big your goldfish will become and buy a fish tank that will be big enough to house them at full size.


Slimmer breeds of goldfish may be more active meaning that they will require more space to swim around in when living in a tank. For this reason, many goldfish bowls are often too small to house goldfish and do not have the necessary filter requirements to keep your goldfish and tank healthy. Adding plants to your goldfish tank can also help keep your goldfish happy as they often feel more secure under cover due to their nature in the wild.


Filtering Your Goldfish Tank

Goldfish produce a lot of waste so it’s important t have a tank filtration system that can cope with the demands. When choosing a filter system, aim to purchase one that has an adjustable current. This is particularly important for young or special breeds of goldfish as they can be sensitive to strong currents. If your fish tank filtration system doesn’t move the water or produce bubbles, an air stone can be used to oxygenate the water.


Cleaning a Goldfish Tank

As with any other type of fish kept in a tank, goldfish of every breed require frequent cleaning to remain happy and healthy and your fish tank appearance will also thank you for it. Aim to clean your goldfish tank around once a week to rid it of any waste produced by your goldfish or their food with around a 10-15% water change. Water conditioner should also be added to the new water to balance it when adding to your goldfish tank.


Give the gravel in your goldfish tank a quick clean with the siphon to remove any waste, your goldfish can remain in the tank for this as long as you avoid any sudden movements. Your fish tank filter should also be rinsed lightly in a bucket of water when it becomes clogged but be careful not to clean too frequently to avoid removing healthy bacteria. It is also important to regularly test your water quality and PH to ensure it is at the right levels for your goldfish.


Find the Right Supplies to Care for Your Goldfish

CD Aquatics provide everything you need to properly care for your goldfish, no matter what breed of goldfish you are caring for. From tanks to filters to food, we have everything you need in our aquarium supplies range.


Need advice on the best supplies to care for your goldfish? Contact our team now.


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