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How to Get Rid of Green Water in Ponds

Posted by on Oct 11 2022

One thing that plagues many home ponds is the appearance of green pond water. Many of us have a pond as a decorative feature in our home gardens to home fish such as koi or more aquatic life. Green pond water can make a pond look unkept and take away some of the pleasure of looking at it so we’ve put together some tips on how to get rid of green water in ponds to help you get rid of green algae in your pond once and for all.

What Causes Green Pond Water?

There are a number of things in your garden that could be causing green pond water. If you keep fish in your garden pond, one of the main reasons for green water in a pond is often that there are simply too many fish living in it. As with an indoor fish tank, your fish produce waste which, unless it is cleared out, breaks down into nitrates that feeds algae and produces green algae in your pond.


Another common reason for green pond water or green algae in ponds is a build-up of sludge at the bottom of your garden pond. When muck from leaves, fish waste, grass, or other matter builds up and starts to decompose, it releases nutrients into the water leading to a build-up of nitrates and phosphate levels and food for green algae to grow in your pond.


One cause of green pond water that people often don’t realise is the lack of plant life in a typical garden pond. When pond plants grow, they compete with algae to consume the same nitrates and phosphates that cause green algae growth. Without these plants taking up the food supply of algae, the green algae blooms, turning your pond water green.

How Can I Get Rid of Green Pond Water?

Now you know what causes green algae in ponds, you need to know how to get rid of green water in ponds. There are a number of different options when it comes to getting rid of green water in your fish pond. Before attempting green algae treatments, most people resort to getting rid of green pond water naturally.

How to Get Rid of Green Pond Water Naturally?

If you are looking for a way to get rid of green pond water naturally and remove green algae from your pond, there are a few different methods. The first simple way is to clean your pond. By cleaning the sludge from the bottom of your pond, you will be removing the food source (the nutrients created by decaying matter) green algae is feeding on to bloom.


Now is the perfect time of year to clean your pond as it will give you the chance to remove any leaves that have fallen into your pond during the change in weather. If you have a larger pond, a pond vacuum can be extremely useful for cleaning your pond to remove green algae and get rid of green water in your pond. Using a pond skimmer can also help reduce the amount of debris that sinks to the bottom of your pond.

How to Get Rid of Green Algae in Fish Ponds Naturally

If you keep fish in your pond, one way to get rid of green water and prevent green algae in a pond is to reduce the number of fish you are keeping in your pond. If your pond is overcrowded, a build-up of fish waste could be contributing to green water in your pond.


Avoiding overcrowding of fish in your pond can also support a healthier lifestyle for your fish by reducing the risk of illness from the water quality and death of fish after spawning or during winter. If you keep goldfish in your fish pond, try reducing the amount of food you are feeding them, they will still remain healthy but will produce fewer babies.

More Pond Supplies From CD Aquatics

Looking for more pond supplies to keep your fish pond healthy? Take a look at our pond supplies collection now. Alternatively, contact our team to find out more about our specialist pond supplies and fish care.

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