Our Favourite Exotic Freshwater Fish For Beginners
Posted by CD Aquatics on Sep 30 2022
When we think of low-maintenance freshwater fish we tend to think of the humble goldfish as the perfect fish for beginner aquarists. However, many exotic species of freshwater fish are easy to care for, fun to watch and add visual interest to your fish tanks. Here are some of our favourite exotic freshwater fish for your aquarium.
Neon Tetra
Named for their bright neon blue stripe, Neon Tetras are some of the most popular shoaling species around. These hardy little South American fish thrive with at least a dozen of their own kind in a heavily planted tank with lots of places to hide. Neon Tetras need at least a 10-gallon tank so they have space to hang out in open water. They grow to about 1.25 inches with a lifespan of between 3-4 years. These peaceful little fish should be kept with other non-aggressive tankmates. Add decorative elements to your aquarium like driftwood, plants and a dark substrate to create the perfect environment for your Neon Tetras.
Sparkling Gourami
These South Asian natives will make a unique addition to your fish tank as they are not often found in home aquariums. With their stunning blue eyes, transparent fins and beautiful sparkly scales with black dots, these interesting little fish can live for up to 5 years. Sparkling Gouramis prefer to be kept in groups of five or six and are perfect for community tanks (although they can become aggressive towards other males). They are also classified as labyrinth fish which makes them particularly fun to watch. Labyrinth fish have a labyrinth organ which allows them to come to the surface to breathe instead of taking in oxygen from the water. Although they are happy swimming at all levels of the aquarium, they can often be found swimming at the top level. While they are at the surface, Sparkling Gouramis can be heard chirping or croaking which is a sign of happiness or a sign they are mating. These happy little fish like to eat high-quality fish flakes or small pieces of frozen food like baby brineshrimp.
Glofish Danios
These captivating fish come in a variety of fluorescent colours like bright red, green, orange, blue and purple and their colours are produced genetically rather than through injected dyes. These highly active fish thrive in groups of six in a large tank so they can exhibit natural schooling behaviour in open water. Invest in a decent filter as Glofish Danios need stable water conditions and maintained nitrate levels. They enjoy a variety of live, frozen and freeze-dried foods to keep things interesting so stock up on flakes, pellets, brine shrimp and bloodworms.
As a member of the dwarf cichlid family, Kribensis originate from West Africa and are bottom-dwelling fish who enjoy setting up homes in sunken, hollow tank decorations and love to dig around in sandy substrates. The females of this species make colourful additions to your aquarium and are more colourful than the males. They sport a bright red spot on their abdomens which is less colourful on males. Kribensis are hardy little fish with interactive personalities who are happiest in a tank of at least 20 gallons. Also known as Kribs, these shy fish can live in communities with guppies and danios who make suitable tank mates. They can be described as semi-aggressive omnivores who will eat algae and decaying vegetation.
American Flag Fish
Named for their fabulous colouring which resembles the stars and stripes of the American flag, these small Florida natives will do well in fish tanks or outdoor ponds. They have a great temperament which makes them thrive in communities with other fast-swimming fish or in pairs. They love to eat algae and are great at controlling insect larvae when placed in an outdoor pond. Although they grow to around 2- 2.5 inches, be sure to give these little guys space, as the males can become territorial in an overstocked tank.
Royal Farlowella Catfish
Royal Farlowellas make a great first impression with their elongated yellow or brown slender bodies and black markings. These peaceful fish are on the larger side and can grow up to 8 inches long and live for up to 10 years. They need at least a 30-gallon tank with highly oxygenated water so invest in an airstone when introducing one of these guys to your tank. Royal Farlowella catfish are bottom dwellers who like a quiet life so they will live well with other non-aggressive mid-water fish or 3 to 5 others of their own species. An ideal community for shy Royal Farlowella catfish would include middle and upper-level fish.
Find the Right Aquarium Supplies for Your Exotic Freshwater Fish
If you are ready to set up a freshwater aquarium for exotic freshwater fish, a marine aquarium for tropical fish or even reptiles, CD Aquatics have a great selection of aquatic supplies to create the perfect environment for any aquatic pet. If you’re unsure of where to start and need advice about tanks, filters or substrates, contact us online or call us on 01922416284 for more information.